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Welcome to Cove Christian Camp!

We're all about Jesus!

Come and spend time experiencing

His creation, His word and His love.



We have scheduled 3 dates to get the camp ready for the upcoming season  and we need your help please!!

Saturday, April 5th

We need chainsaws and limb trimmers to clear debris off of the mini golf course and also some people with basic carpentry skills to finish off the railing around the General Store.

Saturday, April 12th

We will begin clearing weeds and mowing lawns this day so please bring your trimmers and rakes! 

Saturday, May 31st

This is the day for making all things beautiful! We will clean cabins and common areas, plant flowers and do some more mowing & trimming.

Gates will be open at 10am each of these days. Please bring your work gloves, tools, a sack lunch and a heart for service!

And definitely call us
if you have any questions.
(541) 568-4662

Events & Availability Calendar


Get Involved

If you are interested in being a junior counselor, counselor, camp director, music leader, kitchen or nursing staff please click 'Join Us' for more information.

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